tifl matt 'umih
faraa 'abuh yaleab bialtayn
faqal lah : anhud yabini la taleab bialtayn fatusikh thiabak
faqal al'iibn : 'abi 'alam tuqil 'anana khalaqna min tin ?
faqal al'abu : nem yabny !
faqal al'iiban : 'abi 'arjuk 'an tusaeidni hataa nasnae 'amiy mn jadid ,
ein 'ayi shuq tatahadathuna.
allah yarham kla 'am nazalat taht alturab w yahfaz min mazalat ealaa al'ard min kuli makruh
A child whose mother died
Farah his father plays with clay
And he said to him, "Stand up, my son, do not play with clay, and cover your clothes."
The son said: My father did not say that we were created from clay?
The father said: Yes, my son!
The son said: Dad please help me to make my mother again,
What are you talking about?
May Allah have mercy on every mother who has descended under the earth and who is still on earth will be saved from all evil


المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة