In November, 2016, the United States elected Donald J. Trump, to serve, as President of the U.S. While there might have been numerous reasons, many seemed to find his slogan, Make America Great Again, appealing, on a variety of different levels. However, with that in mind, there can be little doubt, precisely what, this means, and represents, differs, from individual, to individual. What is your image, of what America, should stand for, and represent, both, to its citizens, and the nations of the world? This article, therefore, will attempt to briefly examine, review, and discuss, 4 often - differentiating images, which, at some point, must be seriously considered and recognized.

1. Image of the forefathers: While we must recognize, the forefathers were certainly not perfect, and times were significantly different, one of the main talking - points, was, All men are created equal. As America evolved, this concept broadened, to include everyone, regardless of sex, sexual orientation, ethnicity, race, religion, etc. How does this jive, with the recent rhetoric, where Mr. Trump, articulates, often - controversial, antagonist, and sometimes, perceived as being prejudiced, etc? Shouldn't we have learned our lessons, from the past, that freedom, must not be selective, but inclusive, etc?

2. Image of Lincoln, through Roosevelt: As times evolved, so did our perceptions, and needs. From the middle - nineteenth century, through the next 100 years, we began to take seriously, the need, for our government, to provide a safety - net, which securely, prioritized, the best interests and needs, of all our citizens, and protecting the most needy. We began to recognize, education, health care, etc, to be necessary, to life.

3. Image of Roosevelt, through Obama: Whether it was F.D.R.'s commitment to jobs and workers, Kennedy and Johnson's Great Society, and advancement of civil rights protection, or Obama's desire to provide American's with quality, health care, etc, the focus, although sometimes, flawed, was on the best interests, of the neediest components of society.

4. Trump's America: As someone, who has been involved, in political campaigns, and personal consciousness, for four decades, I have never witnessed any President, similar to Mr. Trump! While this may be appealing to some, there can be little doubt, the level of vitriol, rhetoric, and volatility, is unlike, any, we have ever witnessed and/ or observed! Many suggest, many of Trump's core supporters, are attracted, to this aspect, and feel, they are being served, by his focus on opposing certain freedoms, we have taken for granted, for generations! America's image, in the rest of the world, has certainly changed, and it is questionable, if it has been for the better!

If you voted for this President, ask yourself, if his approach, aligns with the best, America, can, and should, stand for, and represent, and whether, his rhetoric has eased conflicts, or enhanced them! What image do you have of what we should be projecting?

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, conducted personal development seminars, and worked on political campaigns, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands


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