On this holiday honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., our nation is witnessing betrayal of our values by a President and leading figures of his party. Events of the past week have answered the question that candidate Trump put to African-Americans during his campaign: "What do you have to lose?" Today it is the entire American populace who must ask: "What has already been lost and how much more are we willing to lose?"

Events of the past week have revealed the true dynamics of the Trump presidency and of a party leadership corrupted by power.

We begin with the televised reality-show in the Oval Office during which the President called for a solution representing "love." Other studio productions of this presidency have featured cabinet and staff members bowing and scraping to their President as they tell him how wonderful he is. This time Democrats flanked the President as he presided over a roundtable discussion. If this were a negotiation, the President would have stated a position or at least clear goals to be met by a final product. But this was a studio President, preening for the cameras, not a wielder of political clout. He would sign whatever came to him, he claimed, and only wanted it to be an expression of love.

The reality show stayed on camera far longer than expected because Democrats began to speak up. When the President agreed with each speaker in turn, the Republicans became agitated and made the back and forth more interesting. There was no sign of a compromise in the making, still the President took no stand other than "love."

Let's step back a moment to look at the broader context before moving to the next events. Donald Trump's campaign for President was notably harsh toward all immigrants. As President, he has taken steps to stop immigration from Muslim countries and to step up deportations of undocumented persons. He also resisted condemning ultra-right-wing demonstrators even after someone was killed, claiming there were good people in that camp. The reason for the studio meeting was his unilateral action against protected children of undocumented immigrants despite the great harm caused by that action. He said he wanted a bi-partisan legislative solution, leading to the "love" production.

Following the meeting, bi-partisan negotiations in the Senate led to a proposal to be discussed with the President. Senators Durban and Graham came to brief the President and walked into an ambush. A Republican and a Democrat who were seeking a bi-partisan approach were ready to preview possible compromises. Hardline immigration opponents in the Republican party, two Senators and four Representatives, were present to undermine hopes for compromise. They succeeded.

A President with any character would not have participated in such an ambush. This kind of duplicity is what anyone desiring bi-partisanship has learned to expect of this President and congressional Republican leaders.

According to Senator Durban, and supported by Senator Graham, the President kept interrupting Senator Graham as he presented the proposal. During those remarks, the President made clearly racist and unacceptable statements about non-white immigrants and the countries from which they came. Senator Graham spoke up to show disapproval, as did Senator Durban.

An international furor erupted when news of the President's remarks became public. Several Republican Senators were among those outraged and demanding an apology from the President. Meanwhile the President held another made-for-TV production signing a proclamation for Martin Luther King Day. Standing with him, smiling and silent, were a group of African-Americans that excluded any of the surviving associates of Dr. King or anyone prominent in the Civil Rights Movement.

Over the weekend we saw repeated what this President usually does. He refused to apologize and lied about what he said. The problem, according to him, was the Democrat who could not tell the truth.

Then came a shameful display as two Senators openly attacked Senator Durban, ignoring the fact that Senator Graham was also being maligned. Either they lied, or they were not shocked by what the President said.

The truth, it seems clear, is that Trump's offensive comments reflect the opinions of the six Republicans who participated in the ambush. They are immigration hardliners because of racism that stands out ever clearer as they defend an ultra-racist President.

Looking back to the question of candidate Trump, now is the time to consider what has been lost and what more we can lose.

First, the Republican party has lost any claim to represent morality or principle. Concentrating on efforts to maintain power, they support increasingly extremist behaviors and policies of a Wall Street version of George Wallace. They have even gone so far as to stand with him in ignoring a massive attack on our country's democratic processes during the last election because the truth endangers the legitimacy of this despicable President. They have placed party rule over patriotism and their traditional concern for national security. The absence of Republican moral principle was also seen in approval of cabinet appointments despite ethical compromises and lack of relevant experience.

Second, Republicans in congress are violating their oaths to uphold the constitution by supporting, either vocally or silently, attacks on the independence of the justice system. Presidential statements putting himself above the law have been supported by actions to stop or interfere with investigations into his campaign. In the process he has actively undermined the intelligence gathering agencies of our nation along with all career non-partisan federal employees. Sufficient justification for an impeachment process has long existed, but Republicans in the House of Representatives are focused on holding on to power.

Finally, our friends and allies all over the world have lost confidence in the reliability and stability of the United States of America. They see the unstable and even lunatic behavior of a President actively fomenting war with North Korea and Iran. They see a Republican administration actively undermining all international agreements for partisan gain. They see an America deserting previous commitments to democracy and human rights without serious congressional response.

In the eyes of the world, the Republican party of Trump is what the United States stands for on this Martin Luther King Day. Those exercising power in our country are actively undermining everything Dr. King stood for.

How long before Donald Trump tries to repeal this holiday to please a base that wants to restore their ultra-right version of American greatness?

Edward G. Simmons is a historian and biblical scholar who earned a doctorate in history from Vanderbilt University. Retired from a career with the State of Georgia, he teaches history at Georgia Gwinnett College, Lawrenceville, GA, and wrote the 2017 Illumination Gold Medal winner for


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