She built microbuses
In the Faculty of Medicine, the University of Alexandria enters the runway doctor No. 7
Doctor: Peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you
All the demand in one voice: Peace be upon you and the mercy and blessings of God
Doctor: Are you working? Every year you are fine and health and safety .. Today is the first day of school in the second Term and good luck I will be with you Terme ... .. Before I know you myself or say any need ... I love you to tell you that any circumstances difficult or not buy After the lecture and my office, I will stop him from buying the book, God willing
One of the students responded by saying, "How are you, Doctor?" All the doctors who came before you attended our prayers, who do not buy books.
Dr. Smile: I Melish call him I am talking about my book I
One of the students replied with a laugh: "Oh, Doctor, every student has a difficult and difficult situation.
The doctor laughed: "I do not have a problem, I'm forgiving you, and I'm telling you a story because it's the first lecture I've ever given you.
Then she began to look at them
From 20 years before Anto Mtoldo and supervise the world was the drivers of microbes named Ahmed Abdul Tawab Ata in the first medicine in your age,
Uncle Ahmed Sawaq microbus for his daughter: Yala Zaki Zaman microbus motor with its heat heated ... I am an operator from the time ... I do not want to connect you
Fatima: Yala Yaheel father in this world
Amr Ahmed: I love you
Fatima: I do not know what I have lectures Aha and my mother ... Hkry briefed the college and your position
Uncle Ahmed: Salvation, O Fatima, my daughter, Hastanki, God willing
Fatima came down on her kidney and Ahmed's uncle went with his old car to the position of Alexandria Damanhour to take his turn
............ .........
Uncle Jalal al-Sawaq, saying to Ahmed: Azik Abu Doctor
Uncle Ahmed with a smile: Praise be to God, Uncle Jalal, oh good man
Uncle Jalal: Your fifth role, God willing, O 'Asti
And the calamity is not a great calf, because the air is beast, and its shape is a great disaster
Amr Ahmed: Yalla Praise be to God ... Rain is a livelihood ... Opportunity to work today and the month of Shawwa ...
Uncle Jalal: Our Lord is with you, Ahmed
Fatima comes out of the college and goes to her father, who takes her in the minibus with the passengers to bring them to their very small house in Damanhour ... On the way Fatima spoke to her father and told him ... She needs 350 pounds tomorrow to buy some books and to buy a pressure measuring device and white ... Ahmad said, "I have to be a virgin, my daughter."
Fatima: Oh and God, O Papa doctors who asked us like this
Uncle Ahmed, who does not know how to manage the amount: Our Lord facilitates the case, my daughter .... Salvation of my soul
Fatima Bakhov: Blach today, O Pope air monster and stray rigid
Uncle Ahmed: Our Lord is the keeper, my daughter
Then the passengers went down in Damanhour's position and drove Fatima to the house and went to the scene again.
The position of Damanhour was completely empty of cars that go to Alexandria and many passengers ... Ahmed carried the microbus and headed to the position of Alexandria and found the situation free of cars also for bad weather.
Ahmed's uncle kept the passengers in his car from the era until the second hour in the morning ..
So that no passengers in the position of Alexandria to transport them to Damnhour was forced to walk his car empty without any passengers after the collection of his daughter Fatima 200
Pounds only of the money that I asked him .. On the way to stop one of the men wearing a black suit and blue shirt and a white kraft to consult the car uncle Ahmed, as if seeking him ... Stop Ahmed Ahmed microbes. The man said to him: "It is possible for me to reach you, Damanhur, and your guidance, which you want
And Ahmed was quick to say to him, "Go, Professor of God, he will honor you from the rain, and we will understand by air."
The man rode next to Ahmed's uncle in the front, and the man said to him: Maalash Ya Asi.
Ahmed Ahmed did not look at the man's expensive suit nor his chic and his elegance and wondered how a man like him wears the most expensive clothes and no money with him .. But he said to him: Floss, but the professor of our Lord saves you.
The man looked at Ahmed's uncle and said to him, "I have flown to the top of the village of Baltajeh. They stole my Arabic and threw me somewhere to meet me."
Uncle Ahmed surprised: reasonable ... Medicine we are working minutes, Professor
The man replied: I need to go home but change my goals and my wife and children and see the section to make a record of the incident.
Uncle Ahmed: It is not important Arabic and not important anything important you are fine.
When Ahmad's uncle arrived in Damanhur, he went to the man's house to take him to the door of his house.
The man said to him: I fear God, O Ahmed.
Uncle Ahmad: I am waiting for you, waiting for you
The man entered and after less than a minute, Ahmed's voice heard the voice of the man screaming at me.
Ahli's uncle ran to the house quickly.
The man is terrified: his gas pipe is leaked and my wife and my children are unaware of the Gaibin ... move them together to the Arab quickly ..
Ahmed took the two children quickly to the microbus and carried his wife to the car and headed to the hospital Damanhour .. And was saved .. The man came out after Hamad Allah a lot and he says to Ahmed: I owe to my life I am under your command at any time .. And then some money To Ahmed's uncle, Ahmad rejected it, saying: "Hey, Bye, God, what am I, and I have a need ... even if your car is stolen, or you get what you get from you."
The man was surprised: "Why, uncle Ahmed?
Ahmed said: I bought the microbus from 20 years .. My wife joy Bie Ohwowoy God mercy and agreed Maaya that every day and I have the last load to keep the face of God, so God preserves me and saves my way away from me and the birth of the Haram ..
And when I asked her, hear me the last of his load? She said to me, "Night is a beast, and a stranger is difficult for me."
May Allah have mercy on her, Lord ... Aref, you, who shows the microbes with a high-tech, like a drunkard, riding in it.


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