My name is Iman, and my story is .. the story of a girl who was distracted from the remembrance of God and his worship. One you will know at the end of the story ..

The parents were very pious, and they feared God in the simplest matter, and did not leave an obligation of prayer.

Here is my story:

Whenever someone tries to approach me, something happens to me suddenly, his problem arises that makes me hate him and I don’t tolerate him.

After time had passed, I saw a very handsome person in my sleep trying to get closer to me ..

Day after day, I fell asleep early so that that sleep would come and meet him. I really liked my dreams, as I felt that my soul itself was the one in the dream, that is, as if I was living in that reality ..

One day I met him in a dream again, but this dream was different. He took me to a place that looked like a palace and was smiling at me… Then I asked him: What is this place? ..

He answered me that he shortened the darkness.

Then he held my hand while he was telling me, "I am going to get married."

Then suddenly he took me by the hand and he was running around me here and there through corridors and corridors, as if there was something that scared him, then suddenly he appeared in the face of a person who was a very giant and frightening ..

Then suddenly I was struck by fear and terror. I left his hand and ran away, as I found myself heading to a place that was like a narrow corridor. Then suddenly I looked up at me and found a vicious wolf in front of me ...

He was very frightening, with claws, sharp teeth and red eyes sparking with hatred and hatred for his fearlessness, he would save Ali, then he was in front of that hill with a door, so I went in and closed it ...

But it looked as if she was waiting for someone else ..

Then I heard the voices of a stranger, as if that wolf on that hill had attacked someone ...

Then I woke up suddenly from that sleep in the middle of the night and went back to sleep as I did not notice what had happened ...

I completely forgot the redness and did not think about it ... After two days I sat browsing the internet and drew my attention to a topic about heaven ..

I have read that the Jinn are afraid of the giants of mankind and that the wolf is the only one who can eat it to the Heaven. And he is convinced that whoever marries her is completely his property, and that for the people he is not legally forbidden and that the religion is not recognized .. In fact, I did not care for all of that ..

And when I went to bed that night ... it started to occur to all those people in my mind.

That sleep and those things that I read and then something and something began to become clear to me .. My body suddenly became bleached ..

That boy that I used to see in my sleep was a lover's genie !!

That frightening giant that I saw was trying to prevent that marriage .. its marriage moment !! It is true that the genie would have married me !! ... Wow ... and those wolves that eat heaven ...

Did she eat it ?? That werewolf was protecting me .. I shivered my body again and started to cry and cry and praise God and thank him .. God protected me from him despite all my failure .. Although I no longer asked forgiveness and did not return ..

That end was the beginning of new things for me, so I have not left an obligation and the name of God has never been forgotten from my lips ..

Summary of the story Whoever turns away from God is inhabited by Satan, and despite all of that, God loves us and protects us, so it never leaves the remembrance of God.


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