
Often people feel frustrated when they think comprehensively: Create a YouTube channel and constantly feed it with new videos for monetization. You may feel the difficulty of having a successful YouTube channel because you see certain specifications in the successful YouTube channel, which are: It should contain a large number of good and distinctive videos. You might wonder how this happens and you're hardly in this step specifically have one idea or two ideas for videos you can put on your YouTube channel. You may be wondering how to get ideas for new YouTube videos to make my channel live and keep it fresh. In fact you have some right to believe this as we are always discovering: Success in a lot of times is probably much easier than maintaining this success. Let's begin with this question: Why in the world of YouTube profit is the beginning the most difficult test unlike the real world? First, I want to assure you that everything successful in the Internet world
في أحيان كثيرة يشعر البعض بالإحباط عندما يفكرون بصورة شاملة في: إنشاء قناة يوتيوب وتغذيتها بإستمرار بفيديوهات جديدة من أجل تحقيق الأرباح من خلالها. ربما تشعر بصعوبة إمتلاك قناة يوتيوب ناجحة لأنك ترى مواصفات معينة في قناة اليوتيوب الناجحة والتي من أهمها: ضرورة أن تحتوي على عدد كبير من الفيديوهات الجيدة و المميزة. ربما تتساءل كيف يحدث ذلك وأنت بالكاد في هذه الخطوة تحديدا تمتلك فكرة أو فكرتين لفيديوهات يمكنك أن تضعها بقناتك على اليوتيوب. ربما تتساءل كيف احصل علي افكار لفيديوهات يوتيوب متجددة لكي أثري بها قناتي وأجعلها متجددة بإستمرار. في الحقيقة أنت لديك بعض الحق في إعتقادك هذا حيث إننا دائما مانكتشف: أن النجاح في كتير من الأحيان ربما يكون أسهل بكثير من الحفاظ على هذا النجاح. دعنا نبدأ بهذا السؤال: لماذا تعد في عالم الربح من اليوتيوب البداية هي أصعب إختبار على عكس العالم الواقعي؟ أولا أريد أن أؤكد لك أن كل شيء ناجح في عالم الإنترنت بدأ بفكرة بسيطة. مجرد فكرة مبدئية مجردة آمن بها أشخاص مثابرون وواثقون حتى تحققت وتطورت إلى أن أصبحت على شكلها الذي يبهرك ويبهر الكثيرين غيرك. الحق

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فلم رأس السنه 2018 على وضعك

299/5000 tifl matt 'umih faraa 'abuh yaleab bialtayn faqal lah : anhud yabini la taleab bialtayn fatusikh thiabak faqal al'iibn : 'abi 'alam tuqil 'anana khalaqna min tin ? faqal al'abu : nem yabny ! faqal al'iiban : 'abi 'arjuk 'an tusaeidni hataa nasnae 'amiy mn jadid , ein 'ayi shuq tatahadathuna. allah yarham kla 'am nazalat taht alturab w yahfaz min mazalat ealaa al'ard min kuli makruh A child whose mother died Farah his father plays with clay And he said to him, "Stand up, my son, do not play with clay, and cover your clothes." The son said: My father did not say that we were created from clay? The father said: Yes, my son! The son said: Dad please help me to make my mother again, What are you talking about? May Allah have mercy on every mother who has descended under the earth and who is still on earth will be saved from all evil
طفل ماتت أمه فرآى أبوه يلعب بالطين فقال له : انهض يابني لا تلعب بالطين فتوسخ ثيابك فقال الإبن : أبي ألم تقل أننا خلقنا من طين ؟ فقال الأب : نعم يابني ! فقال الإبن : أبي أرجوك أن تساعدني حتى نصنع أمي من جديد ، عِن اي شوق تتحدثون. الله يرحم كل أم نزلت تحت التراب و يحفظ من مازالت على الأرض من كل مكروه
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Studies show that younger baby boomers consistently report the lowest levels of happiness with startlingly high rates of depression. I write a blog based on the premise that these studies describing baby boomers as the generation dwelling in doom and gloom don't have to be self-fulfilling prophecies. Instead of allowing these happiness studies to make us hopeless during our 50's and 60's, I focus on ways we can find happiness during these sometimes difficult years. But can you try too hard to be happy? Should you make happiness a goal? Do you feel like the more you strive for happiness, the more it seems to elude you? Is the media making you feel like happiness is like a button you push for instant bliss? These may sound like odd questions coming from a blogger who writes about finding your bliss. However, one recent study showed those that made happiness a goal, reported 50 percent less frequent positive emotions, 35 percent less satisfaction about life, and 75 per
Do you feel like you need to find yourself again? Baby boomers can go through a lot of major life changes that throw off your sense of self. Retirement, caregiving, empty nest syndrome, divorce, or the loss of a loved one can change your life forever. After my mother's death, I got a letter from the hospice bereavement coordinator that helped my family care for my mother in her final days. They acknowledged that family members who have spent most of their time caring for their loved ones for months or perhaps years often ask themselves after their death, "Where do I go?" or "What do I do?" That's exactly how I felt after my Mom died. I was the primary caregiver for my Mom who had Lewy Body dementia, a combination of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's that rendered her helpless both physically and mentally. Being a caregiver was the hardest job I've ever had - by far. When she passed away, I assumed that while I would grieve for my Mom, I would also
Sustainable Development Goal 5, Target 5.6 (b) is very clear; to enhance the use of enabling technology in particular Information Communication Technology to promote the empowerment of women. From it I derive power to articulate on the possibility of achieving Goal 5 target 5.6(b) by 2030, 14 years from now. But am thinking if this target would be met with the situation at hand? Anyhow, I'll let you be the judge. Technology is changing the world faster, although it is masculine and challenging, yet is worth noticing. One thing that is indisputable is that ICT seems snail in changing women world, as businesses that are feminine related take back seat in ICT drives. As less girls and women continue to miss out in ICT value chain and more men continue to into the ICT world, the balance is clear. Clear to the extent that, how many girls are taught how to develop computer applications, how many are computer literates, how many are into repairs of hand phones and computers, what are w
Catcalling is making a whistle, a shout or a comment of a sexual nature to a woman passing by. Catcalling deeply affects women's lives; every day in emotional and mental ways. Firstly, it is a form of objectification. It demonstrates a lack of regard for women's dignity by men, because they treat women as an object to be looked at and to be touched, and not as an intelligent human beings. In American culture, women's bodies are constantly and consistently displayed as sexual objects through pornography, mass media and advertising. The unwanted sexual attention experienced in catcalling is another example of women being regarded as sexual objects. The consequences arise when a woman begins to objectify her, she regards herself as a mere sex object, to experience body shame and to monitor her external appearance. Furthermore, self-objectification is correlated with negative outcomes, including depression and disorder eating. Harassment by strangers make women feel mo
There is a disturbing trend of a rise in the prevalence of sociopathy in our society as revealed by many sources of media. Our present culture has become the breeding ground for sociopaths. We even don't know that a sociopath might be living next door. Antisocial personality disorder is characterized by a lack of regard for the moral or legal standards of the local culture. There is a marked inability to get along with others or abide by societal rules. Individuals with this disorder are sometimes called psychopaths or sociopaths. They are mostly used interchangeably. A simple definition of the sociopath is someone, who has no conscience and is tremendously antisocial. Sociopathic behavior is characterized as the inability to care about right or wrong behavior and how it affects other people. Typically, sociopaths can be recognized by possessing most of the characteristics that include lack of empathy, difficult relationships, manipulativeness, deceitfulness, callousness,
Nearly everyone, whether they support, or oppose, the policies, etc, of President Donald Trump, realize and recognize, we have never witnessed, any previous occupant of the office, who used the rhetoric, he has consistently articulated! While some either agree, or object, to specific words, or the tone of his message, what might be, more significant, etc, is the overall, and specific impacts, of what he says. Fact - checkers state, Mr. Trump, has either lied, or articulated major misstatements, an average of over 5 times, per day, since his election, and, like, the story, The Boy Who Cried Wolf, eventually, even if he's truthful, many won't believe him, etc. With this in mind, this article will attempt to briefly. review and consider, 5 examples, of why, the words of a prominent elected official, matter. 1. Within U.S.: Although we have gone over half a century, since major civil rights legislation, was enacted, in the United States, it seems to many, Mr. Trump's referen
On this holiday honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., our nation is witnessing betrayal of our values by a President and leading figures of his party. Events of the past week have answered the question that candidate Trump put to African-Americans during his campaign: "What do you have to lose?" Today it is the entire American populace who must ask: "What has already been lost and how much more are we willing to lose?" Events of the past week have revealed the true dynamics of the Trump presidency and of a party leadership corrupted by power. We begin with the televised reality-show in the Oval Office during which the President called for a solution representing "love." Other studio productions of this presidency have featured cabinet and staff members bowing and scraping to their President as they tell him how wonderful he is. This time Democrats flanked the President as he presided over a roundtable discussion. If this were a negotiation, the Presid
Whether one is a supporter of our current President, or opposes his approaches and policies, it is important to agree, Donald J. Trump, has certainly, in his first year, approached and performed his position, significantly differently, than any of his predecessors, in recent memory! For some, this may be, exactly what they hoped for, but, for many others, it is often frightening, and/ or upsetting! Polls indicate Trump has amazingly strong, seemingly solid and unshakable support from approximately 35% of the American public (what is often referred to, as his core supporters, or base), but also has an unprecedented, high unpopularity level, as well. Obviously, where one falls in this spectrum, will often have a lot to do, with perceptions of the man, and his performance. Political fact - checkers claim, Mr. Trump has either lied, or made a significant misstatement, and average of 5 to 6 times, per day, since he took office, and this article, will attempt to briefly examine, review and
In November, 2016, the United States elected Donald J. Trump, to serve, as President of the U.S. While there might have been numerous reasons, many seemed to find his slogan, Make America Great Again, appealing, on a variety of different levels. However, with that in mind, there can be little doubt, precisely what, this means, and represents, differs, from individual, to individual. What is your image, of what America, should stand for, and represent, both, to its citizens, and the nations of the world? This article, therefore, will attempt to briefly examine, review, and discuss, 4 often - differentiating images, which, at some point, must be seriously considered and recognized. 1. Image of the forefathers: While we must recognize, the forefathers were certainly not perfect, and times were significantly different, one of the main talking - points, was, All men are created equal. As America evolved, this concept broadened, to include everyone, regardless of sex, sexual orientation,